Banter Schedule

Welcome to my random banter! Select a category from the dropdown menu on the right to start reading!

Throughout the week, I’ll be blogging about my thoughts on certain things. It’ll mainly be about anime and gaming, but there will be other random topics along the way!

Things I’ll post about:

Anime – I’m a big anime fan! I watch a lot, but read a lot more, especially anything involving isekai. You’ll see a lot about anime, manga, and light novels here!

Gaming – I love games! I’m especially into mobile and tabletop games. I play lots of different board games with my family every week, and am almost always playing games on my phone, so you’ll see me ramble about the games I play quite a bit. 😛

Hobbies – I am a collector of random things – collectible card games, TY beanie plushies, anime figures, and even certain board games. I may showcase some things every now and then.

I also enjoy writing when I have time. I may post small blurbs of what I’m working on and maybe even provide a link to a published work.

Trips – I don’t go out often, but when I do, it’s a big deal. As an anime/gaming fan, I go to conventions (if the wallet permits it). I may take a trip or two with family. You’ll see posts about these trips when they happen.

Miscellaneous – If I just feel like rambling, I may do so here. What about? Who knows!

As mentioned above, you can check the drop-down menu below to choose a specific topic to read. I’ll try to make a habit of keeping my posts organized.